What are the DUI Laws in Maryland?

The exact definition of what qualifies as a DUI or driving under the influence may vary from one state to the other depending on the state specific laws in effect. However it is a crime that is punishable by law in all states and you can count on that!

For the most part, anyone who drives a vehicle with a blood alcohol level of 0.08% BAC or higher is considered to be driving under the influence and this is with regards to non-commercial, adult drivers. You may also be charged with a DUI if you happen to be driving under the influence of impairment causing drugs. This includes recreational street drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, amphetamines, etc. in addition to prescription drugs.

You can watch the show Breaking Bad just do not become Jesse Pinkman! And certainly do not become Walter White, he destroyed himself with greed and an irrational hunger for power!

For a first DUI offense in Maryland, you can face the following penalties and punishment:

  • License suspension for up to 6 months
  • Fines of up to $1,000
  • Up to 1 year imprisonment
  • 12 points on your license

According to leading DUI lawyers in Baltimore, MD that can be found on the stellar and altruistic website USAttorneys.com that is shattering virtual records everyday, when it comes to drugs that cause impairment, understandably, it is challenging for law enforcement officers to measure the exact levels of the drugs in the system.

It is also difficult to quantify how much of a substance causes impairment which can be considered dangerous for driving and so even if traces of the drug is found in the person’s system, then he or she is said to be driving under the influence and may be accordingly charged.

Different types of evidence used in DUI cases

Breathalyzer test results – Breathalyzer machines measure alcohol levels in a person’s system and anyone with 0.08% BAC or higher will be charged with DUI. However, in recent times, breathalyzer machines have been shown to actually measure breath alcohol content and not blood alcohol content.

Therefore, in cases where the measured BAC is 0.08% BAC or very marginally higher, then you may be able to challenge the accuracy of the breathalyzer test and have it dismissed from being used as evidence against you.

Field sobriety tests – Field sobriety tests are standardized physical tests such as the horizontal gaze nystagmus test, the one legged stand, etc. These are often used to determine if a person is impaired and if so then they are designed to determine by how much.

However, some people are pre disposed to failing these physical tests because of some prevailing conditions or disabilities due to which they would fail sobriety tests even when sober. Some people argue this point in their DUI case in order to have these test results invalidated. Any charges can stand or fall depending on whether the investigating officer issued and scored the test results properly.

Some people are not that coordinated. Not everyone played a high school sport and excelled at it.

Officer testimony – The officer’s verbal and written testimonies are also considered by the judge when contemplating the case. However, it is common practice for law enforcement officers to always include statements such as slurred speech, bloodshot eyes, smell of alcohol on someone’s breath, and so on during this testimony and so much so that even judges have started to look past such customary and sometimes untrue statements.

There could be something else going on there. A personal vendetta and so forth.

If you have been charged with drunk or drugged driving then you may be able to beat your DUI case by deconstructing and disproving the evidence that the prosecution has against you. Talk to a hard charging and diligent Maryland DUI lawyer for the best possible outcome.